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How do you enable the content? All the content is disable and I cant enable them

In the menu, select it and hit enter like you would use an item or skill. It will toggle on and you will receive a notification.

Is this cancelled?

No. I have been on hiatus due to college. I did not get around to making a post due to my workload.

Very good. It kind of reminds me of games like "Wildworld" from Dloohi or "Brat the wild" from T-rugen. Is something similar planned for this game? It would be interesting to see something similar. As for what it is, this game is great!

I had not heard of the other games at all until you just mentioned them in your post. Right now, I am in the middle of a another overhaul with development. The plans are essentially a main plot exploring the origins of the resort and a dating simulator sub-plot allowing players to enjoy fetish content within the various choices available in the game. The tone of the dating simulation is meant to be lighthearted and cheeky. The main storyline will be a bit more subdued in tone. I thank you for your appreciation of the game. Development is a shade slow at the moment as I have RL affairs fighting with me for time, but I am still plugging away in the background.

Cool game. Looking forward to more.